I earned money with Upside this year! Do I have to pay taxes on it?

This is a great question and depends on a few things!

If you’ve used PayPal to cash out this year, you’ll want to check with them directly about their parameters and regulations regarding taxes.

Here’s a link from Turbo Tax about PayPal with a bit of information to get you started (please ignore the Venmo mention, as that isn’t one of our cash out options).

If you’ve earned more than $600 this year from referrals only, it’s likely you’ll be contacted from us in regards to a 1099, but please know that this only happens to a very few of Upsiders on the app, and we always reach out to any user who falls into this category.

Simply getting earnings from your offers is usually considered a transaction discount and not taxable income.

We here at Upside always recommend that you reach out to a tax professional in advance of doing your taxes!

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